
Marchio di accettazione Arcade 32/64 Artworks Cabinets CHD-Info Control Panel Covers DATs (MAME) DATs (Resource) Devices F.A.Q. Flyers History ITA HBMAME Icons MAME Archive MAMEUI MAME-Plus MAME SDL Manuals Marquees MESS Archive MESSUI MESS-Info Old Sets Other Resources PCB renameSET Resources SL Samples Snapshots Support Files Tools VideoSnaps VideoSnaps SL W.I.P. pdf Thanks Contact The Home of MAME's Resources Last updated on 04/16/2023

BestGames.ini CatVer.ini Command.dat GameInit.dat Languages.ini Series.ini

MAME (formerly an acronym of Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator) is a free and open-source emulator designed to recreate the hardware of arcade game systems in software on modern personal computers and other platforms. Its intention is to preserve gaming history by preventing vintage games from being lost or forgotten. It does this by emulating the inner workings of the emulated arcade machines; the ability to actually play the games is considered "a nice side effect". Joystiq has listed MAME as an application that every Windows and Mac gamer should have. The first public MAME release was by Nicola Salmoria on 5 February 1997. It now supports over 7,000 unique games and 10,000 actual ROM image sets, though not all of the games are playable. MESS, an emulator for many video game consoles and computer systems, based on the MAME core, was integrated into MAME in 2015 (source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MAME). Official site: https://www.mamedev.org/.

03/14/2025MAME Support Files 0.274 and 0.275 update
My support files for MAME 0.274 and 0.275 are now available. This month I have updated the packages: Category, CatVer, CHD-Info, GameInit, Languages, Series and Version.

Category File Type Release Last Upd Link
Artworks / Alternatezip---
Artworks / Originalzip---
Artworks / WideScreenzip---
MAME DATsdat0.27503/09/2025file
MAME SDLzip0.27503/05/2025file
Snapshots / ArtPreviewpng0.27212/30/2024page
Snapshots / Bossespng0.27212/30/2024page
Snapshots / Endspng0.27212/30/2024page
Snapshots / GameOverpng0.27212/30/2024page
Snapshots / HowTopng0.27212/30/2024page
Snapshots / InGamepng0.27212/30/2024page
Snapshots / Logopng0.27212/30/2024page
Snapshots / Scorespng0.27212/30/2024page
Snapshots / Selectpng0.27212/30/2024page
Snapshots / Titlespng0.27212/30/2024page
Snapshots / Versuspng0.27010/20/2024page
Snapshots / Warningpng0.27212/30/2024page
Software Listpng/mp40.27212/30/2024page



02/04/2025New sample pack available: midiverb
On the page of the Samples a new package is available, valid from MAME 0.274.

01/25/2025MAME Support Files 0.273 update
My support files for MAME 0.273 are now available. This month I have updated the packages: BestGames, Category, CatVer, Command, GameInit, Languages, MESS-Info, Series and Version. Regarding renameSET.dat, its completion and massive correction are still in progress; however, you can download it from GitHub.

12/31/2024MAME Snapshots 0.272 update
Finally available the update 0.272 of all categories of Snapshots excluding the "Versus" category. MAME 0.273 aligned dat will be released in the next few days. HAPPY 2025 TO ALL!

12/29/2024News about snaps
Part of my MAME resources is about to come back online: these are the various categories of snapshots (the mission statement of my site). As communicated to me by more than one attorney specializing in copyright and web laws, these represent only a very small part of the work and even if it were subject to restrictions on its release, they cannot in any way be prosecuted since they are subject to "fair use". Snapshots will be removed only if request is made by the legal department of the rights-holding company.

11/21/2024Some pages offline
Due to some "alleged" copyright violations of some materials made available by this site, the pages pertaining to: CPanel, Flyers, Manuals and Marquees are currently offline. Same for the Covers and Manuals resources inherent Software Lists. We apologize for the problem and are working to resolve it. Thank you all.

10/20/2024MAME Resources 0.270 update
Available the update of all categories of Snapshots, Cabinets and Manuals 0.270!

10/10/2024MAME Support Files 0.270 update
My support files for MAME 0.270 are now available. This month I have updated the packages: Category, CatVer, Languages, MESS-Info, renameSET, Series and Version.

09/15/2024MAME Resources 0.269 update
Available the update of all categories of Snapshots and Icons 0.269!

09/07/2024MAME Support Files 0.269 update
My support files for MAME 0.269 are now available. This month I have updated the packages: Category, CatVer, CHD-Info, Command, Languages, MESS-Info, renameSET, Series and Version.

08/29/2024Notice to all MAME users
This has been a bit of a complicated summer for me, full of things to do and also very hot (it still is), which is why the snapshots update scheduled for August 18, regarding version 0.268, could not be released. I had almost completed the production of the images but today version 0.269 was released. I am not happy to release an already old update, so I am postponing the update to September 15, including the images of the new machines 0.267 to 0.269. I apologize to all of you.

08/20/2024MAME Support Files 0.268 update
My support files for MAME 0.268 are now available. This month I have updated the packages: Category, CatVer, CHD-Info, Languages, MESS-Info, renameSET, Series and Version.

08/06/2024renameSET.dat 0.268 online!
Despite the hellish heat of these days - here in Pisa - I managed to stay at the PC for a while and posted the updated version of the renameSET.dat package 0.268.

06/19/2024MAME Support Files 0.267 update
My support files for MAME 0.267 are now available. This month I have updated the packages: Category, CatVer, CHD-Info, Languages, renameSET, Series and Version. From tomorrow I will be in London until early August for a nice relaxing vacation, so I won't be able to publish version 0.267 of MESS-Info. You can find it on my Github as soon as it's ready.

06/30/2024MAME Resources 0.266 update
Available the update of all categories of Snapshots, Cabinets and Flyers 0.266.

06/19/2024MAME Support Files 0.266 update
My support files for MAME 0.266 are now available. This month I have updated the packages: BestGames, Category, CatVer, CHD-Info, GameInit, Languages, MESSinfo, renameSET, Series and Version.

05/27/2024MAME Archive page update
After many months of work I have completed the MAME Archive page! All available packages are online and all whatsnew files have been reformatted and fixed.

04/24/2024MAME Resources 0.264 update
Available the update of all categories of Snapshots 0.264.

04/12/2024MAME Support Files 0.264
My support files for MAME 0.264 are now available. This month I have updated the packages: BestGames, Category, CatVer, CHD-Info, GameInit, Languages, MESSinfo, renameSET, Series and Version.

03/15/2024MAME Support Files 0.263
All my support files for MAME 0.263 are now available. This month I have updated the packages: BestGames, Category, CatVer, CHD-Info, GameInit, Languages, MESSinfo, renameSET, Series and Version.

02/25/2024MAME Resources 0.262 update
Available the update of all categories of Snapshots 0.262.




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