Arcade VideoSnaps MP4 Archive
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lacrazyc  Download
Let's Attack Crazy Cross (GV027 Asia 1.10)

ladybug  Download
Lady Bug

ladybugb2  Download
Coccinelle (bootleg of Lady Bug)

ladyfrog  Download
Lady Frog

ladykill  Download
Lady Killer

ladylinr  Download
Lady Liner (set 1)

ladylinra  Download
Lady Liner (set 2)

ladymstr  Download
Lady Master of Kung Fu (rev 1)

lagirl  Download
LA Girl

lagunar  Download
Laguna Racer

landbrk  Download
Land Breaker (World) / Miss Tang Ja Ru Gi (Korea) (pcb ver 3.02)

landgear  Download
Landing Gear (Ver 4.2 O)

landmakrj  Download
Land Maker (Ver 2.01J 1998/06/01)

lans2004  Download
Lansquenet 2004 (bootleg of Shock Troopers - 2nd Squad)

laserbat  Download
Laser Battle

lasso  Download

lasstixx  Download
Laser Strixx 2

lastbank  Download
Last Bank (v1.16)

lastblad  Download
The Last Blade / Bakumatsu Roman - Gekka no Kenshi (NGM-2340)

lastbld2  Download
The Last Blade 2 / Bakumatsu Roman - Dai Ni Maku Gekka no Kenshi (NGM-2430 ~ NGH-2430)

lastday  Download
The Last Day (set 1)

lastduel  Download
Last Duel (US New Ver.)

lastfght  Download
Last Fighting

lastfort  Download
Last Fortress - Toride (Japan, VG420 PCB)

lastfour  Download
Last Four (09:12 16/01/2001)

lasthope  Download
Last Hope (bootleg AES to MVS conversion, no coin support)

lastkm  Download
Last KM (ver 1.0.0275, checksum 13bff751, prototype)

lastmisn  Download
Last Mission (World revision 8)

lastmisnj  Download
Last Mission (Japan)

lastmisnu5  Download
Last Mission (US revision 5)

lastmisnu6  Download
Last Mission (US revision 6)

laststar  Download
The Last Starfighter (prototype)

lastsurv  Download
Last Survivor (Japan) (FD1094 317-0083)

lazercmd  Download
Lazer Command

lbgrande  Download
Libero Grande (World, LG2/VER.A)

lbowling  Download
League Bowling (NGM-019 ~ NGH-019)

ldrun  Download
Lode Runner (set 1)

ldrun2  Download
Lode Runner II - The Bungeling Strikes Back

ldrun3  Download
Lode Runner III - The Golden Labyrinth

ldrun4  Download
Lode Runner IV - Teikoku Karano Dasshutsu (Japan)

le2  Download
Lethal Enforcers II: Gun Fighters (ver EAA)

leader  Download
Leader (version Z 2E, Greece)

leaguemn  Download
Yakyuu Kakutou League-Man (Japan, set 1)

leds2011  Download
Led Storm Rally 2011 (World)

legend  Download

legendoh  Download
Legend of Heroes

legendos  Download
Legend of Success Joe / Ashita no Joe Densetsu

legendsb  Download
Legend (SNES bootleg)

legion  Download
Legion - Spinner-87 (World ver 2.03)

legionj  Download
Chouji Meikyuu Legion (Japan ver 1.05, set 1)

legionjb  Download
Chouji Meikyuu Legion (Japan ver 1.05, bootleg set 1)

legionna  Download
Legionnaire (World)

lemmings  Download
Lemmings (US prototype)

lemnangl  Download
Mahjong Lemon Angel (Japan)

lependu  Download
Le Pendu (Bilingue, Version 04)

leprechn  Download
Leprechaun (set 1)

lespendu  Download
Le Super Pendu (V1, words set #1)

lespenduj  Download
Le Super Pendu (V1, words set #2)

lethalen  Download
Lethal Enforcers (ver UAE, 11/19/92 15:04)

lethalj  Download
Lethal Justice (Version 2.3)

lethalth  Download
Lethal Thunder (World)

levers  Download

lghost  Download
Laser Ghost (World) (FD1094 317-0166)

lgtnfght  Download
Lightning Fighters (World)

lgtnfghta  Download
Lightning Fighters (Asia)

lgtnfghtu  Download
Lightning Fighters (US)

lhaunt_11  Download
Lucky Haunter (100331 Entertainment X)

lhaunt_2  Download
Lucky Haunter (030804 World)

lhaunt_4  Download
Lucky Haunter (031111 World)

lhaunt_4a  Download
Lucky Haunter (bootleg, 031111, backdoor)

lhaunt_5  Download
Lucky Haunter (040216 World)

lhaunt_5a  Download
Lucky Haunter (bootleg, 040216, backdoor)

lhaunt_6  Download
Lucky Haunter (040825 World)

lhaunt_6a  Download
Lucky Haunter (bootleg, 040825, backdoor)

lhaunt_6b  Download
Lucky Haunter (bootleg, 040825, VIDEO GAME-1 PB01)

lhaunt_6c  Download
Lucky Haunter (bootleg, 040825, changed version text)

lhaunt_6d  Download
Lucky Haunter (bootleg, 040825, LOTTOGAME (I))

lhaunt_6e  Download
Lucky Haunter (bootleg, 040825, LOTO PROGRAM V-LH2)

lhaunt_6f  Download
Lucky Haunter (bootleg, 040825, LOTOS PB01)

lhaunt_7  Download
Lucky Haunter (070402 Russia)

lhaunt_8  Download
Lucky Haunter (070604 Russia)

lhb  Download
Long Hu Bang (China, V035C)

lhb2  Download
Lung Fu Bong II (Hong Kong, V185H)

liberate  Download

liberatr  Download
Liberator (version 2)

liblrabl  Download
Libble Rabble

lifefrce  Download
Lifeforce (US)

lifefrcej  Download
Lifeforce (Japan)

lightbr  Download
Light Bringer (Ver 2.2O 1994/04/08)

linkypip  Download
Linky Pipe

liquidk  Download
Liquid Kids (World)

liquidku  Download
Liquid Kids (US)

littlerb  Download
Little Robin

livegal  Download
Live Gal (Japan 870530)

livequiz  Download
Live Quiz Show

lizwiz  Download
Lizard Wizard

lkage  Download
The Legend of Kage (rev 2)

lkageb  Download
The Legend of Kage

lkageb2  Download
missing description

lkageb3  Download
missing description

lkageo  Download
missing description

lkageo2  Download
missing description

llander  Download
Lunar Lander (rev 2)

llandert  Download
Lunar Lander (screen test)

lnc  Download

lockon  Download
Lock-On (rev. E)

lockonph  Download
Lock On (Philko)

locomotn  Download

loderndf  Download
Lode Runner - The Dig Fight (ver. B)

loffire  Download
Line of Fire / Bakudan Yarou (World) (FD1094 317-0136)

logger  Download
Logger (Rev.3)

logicpr2  Download
Logic Pro 2 (Japan)

logicpro  Download
Logic Pro (Japan)

loht  Download
Legend of Hero Tonma (World)

lomakai  Download
Legend of Makai (World)

looping  Download

lordgun  Download
Lord of Gun (World)

losttomb  Download
Lost Tomb (easy)

lotlot  Download
Lot Lot

lottof2  Download
Lotto Fun 2

lottofun  Download
Lotto Fun

loverboy  Download
Lover Boy

lpadv  Download
Logic Pro Adventure (Japan)

lrescue  Download
Lunar Rescue

lresort  Download
Last Resort

lresortp  Download
Last Resort (prototype)

lsasquad  Download
Land Sea Air Squad / Riku Kai Kuu Saizensen

lsrquiz  Download
Laser Quiz Italy

lsrquiz2i  Download
Laser Quiz 2 Italy (v1.0)

ltswords  Download
Lightning Swords (World)

luckboom  Download
Lucky Boom

lucky74  Download
Lucky 74 (bootleg, set 1)

lucky7i  Download
Lucky 7 (Impera, V04/91a, set 1)

lucky8  Download
New Lucky 8 Lines (set 1, W-4)

lucky8f  Download
New Lucky 8 Lines (set 7, W-4, encrypted)

luckyrlt  Download
Lucky Roulette Plus (6-players, Spanish)

luckywld  Download
Lucky & Wild

lufykzku  Download
Otakara Itadaki Luffy Kaizoku-Dan! (Japan, v1.02)

lunapark  Download
Luna Park (set 1, dual program)

lupin3  Download
Lupin III (set 1)

luplup  Download
Lup Lup Puzzle / Zhuan Zhuan Puzzle (version 3.0 / 990128)

luplup29  Download
Lup Lup Puzzle / Zhuan Zhuan Puzzle (version 2.9 / 990108)

lvcards  Download
Lovely Cards

lvgirl94  Download
Las Vegas Girl (Girl '94)

lwings  Download
Legendary Wings (US, rev. C)

lwingsj  Download
Ares no Tsubasa (Japan, rev. B)

lwingsja  Download
Ares no Tsubasa (Japan, rev. A)

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